an orgasm in every pot?. “Documenting the orgasm”: An interview with Annie Sprinkle : “I have a vision for the future where all the necessary sex education will be available for everyone; there will be no more need for abortion, no more sexually transmitted diseases. No one will ever go hungry for sex because there […]
Read MoreWill Game Boy Fall Victim To Nokia Man?. Plastic::Games::Trends: “The release of the GameBoy Advance only strengthened Nintendo's hold, but with the advent of cell phone gaming, Nintendo may be facing fierce competition. ” [Plastic: Most Recent] it probably will fall, just a matter of time.
Read MoreUndesign. Liz Bailey recently wrote an article called Lo-Fi Allstars (PDF) for Graphics International on the trend toward simpler, more usable web design. The article includes a few quotes from me about weblog design. Here's part of a rambling email interview I did for the article: “Weblogs have definitely affected the look and feel of […]
Read MorePolitics and Happiness?. Two new interesting works with political themes have been released under Creative Commons licenses. Gritty, A Critique of the Global Good Life, by Michael Wadleigh and Cleo Huggins, is an overview of global economics and politics presented in an easily digestible format. The work offers a thoughtful commentary on politics, the media, […]
Read MoreWords You Won't Be Hearing. If “democracy” is government by the demos (people) and “aristocracy” is government by the aristos, then what would you call a government formed by the connections among people? That's the question I posed, more or less, to the blogiverse's resident Greek-Latin-Aramaic-French-German-Hebrew scholar, AKMA. He responds bravely to my question: There'd […]
Read MoreRethinking out loud. I first visited the subject of terror when I read Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism, many years ago. I'm revisiting her thinking now. It's complicated stuff, and somewhat dated; but it deals with verities I think we need to factor into our convesations about the War on Terrorism, whatever that is. […]
Read MoreHouston, We Have a Problem. I host my sites on with Pair, and I've been extremely happy with their service. I don't think I've had a single second of down time that was due to them (due to my computers… months, but never them). They also provide me with statistics, which I looked at last night […]
Read MoreKepler – A Digital Library for Individuals “The purpose of Kepler is to give any user the ability to easily self-archive publications by means of an “archivelet”: a self-contained, self-installing software system that functions as an Open Archives Initiative data provider. Kepler archivelets are designed to be easy to install, use and maintain. Kepler is […]
Read MoreU.S. Universities Competing to Build Biohazard Level 4 Labs [Disinformation] mmmm, coming to a university near you, a new place for radical students to injure themselves and others. up go the armed guards, i suppose.
Read MoreOn-line scientific publications and blogs. Recent editorial of Information Research journal (bold is mine): A couple of issues ago I asked readers whether or not they knew of any work on the 'half-life' of electronic journal papers versus that of print journal papers. I received a helpful e-mail message pointing me to Steve Lawrence's paper in Nature […]
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