“I poisoned P2P networks for the RIAA” , a whistleblower from the IFPI (the global version of the RIAA) has said. Someone else actually claimed this a few days ago but it was admitted to be a hoax. Now, a fellow by the name of Matt Warne comes forward with a new claim. While I'm […]
Read MoreThe War on Women. I'm not sure how I missed this NY Times Op/Ed from January 12 on the Bush Administration's War Against Women: “What is important is the actual impact of the presidential assault: women's constitutional liberty has been threatened, essential reproductive health care has been denied or delayed, and some women will needlessly […]
Read MoreEnglish 515 at Purdue University focuses on weblogs. One of the assignments is to read this weblog. “;->” [Scripting News] it is always great to here about nifty classes
Read MoreNostalgia. I remember when … :: people had surnames instead of screenames.:: people knew my home address instead of my email address.:: icons were largely associated with religion.:: I had to watch the news at night to find out what was happening.:: I did my Christmas shopping at the mall instead of on Amazon.com:: instant […]
Read MoreCongratulations to Rachel Singer Gordon on the publication of her book The Accidental Systems Librarian, available now! [The Shifted Librarian] this looks like it could be a great book for many of the up and coming programs in this area.
Read MoreAsia's Online Gamers Trounce Shoppers “Online gaming has beat out Internet shopping for popularity in the Asia-Pacific region, according to market researcher IDC. A recent survey of more than 3,600 Internet users across six Asian countries shows that the boom is especially evident in China and Malaysia where the number of online gamers outnumber shoppers […]
Read MoreThree-hundreths of an inch thick. A new credit card-sized hard disk that can hold up to 5GB. The StorCard, as it's called, is just 0.03″ thick, and actually has a superthin disk of Mylar spinning inside. The cards should be out later this year, and are expected to retail for under $15. Sounds a little […]
Read MoreAre you a benny tied to a tree?. Playground law – a comprehensive (warning: pun) list of school yard insults. Beware – it sucks you in, I've been reading for an hour and I'm only on 'c'. [MetaFilter] this is great stuff, i remember some interesting ones that shouldn't be reiterated, wait, i do use […]
Read MoreWell this sucks…. Part II. Ginsburg Stevens Breyer [via Lessig]~Donna has Eldred covered! [Tech Law Advisor] yes it does suck.
Read MoreBruce Schneier was asked by an Iranian newspaper if the Pentagon has a secret weapon that could disable the whole internet. He told them he didn't know, but he could certainly speculate. [[ t e c h n o c u l t u r e ]] i talked about this with some people today, […]
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