Category: Teaching

Serendipity strikes again

Serendipity strikes again: A brilliant wee story of serendipity to get you started this morning from one of my favourite eduBuzz blogs at Pencaitland Primary School. A few weeks ago the kids had been blogging about the diving experiment they had been up to in class and this got picked up by a real life […]

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Projects in Digital Archives second time through

Projects in Digital Archives – Jeremy Hunsinger’s Homepage: Projects in Digital Archives —– here is my new projects in digital archives course, it is significantly re-envisioned to meet more of the students technical questions. It moved away from its basis in archival theory and more into practice based technical learning.

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Sacrificing the joy of learning

Sacrificing the joy of learning: A couple of days later, I came across this article by Roger Schank; blaming the laziness of college professors for the focus on arcane subjects: Universities dictate curricula to high schools to make professor’s lives easier. If everyone takes physics and calculus and most never use it, well, professors claim […]

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Social Software / Library 2.0 syllabus

ok.. yes… i’m teaching it… Internet Resources for the Information Professional is a course that will cover social software and Library 2.0 applications and their use in libraries (surprise!) and the larger informational arena. But wait… there’s more…. This course… and my digital archives course are both based in the mediawiki…. oh my… The whole […]

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OpenAcademic :: bringing education to all

OpenAcademic :: bringing education to all: OpenAcademic — supporting learners, teachers, and institutions. Create an intranet. Blog. Podcast. Manage the school website, and all the club websites. Create a private workspace. Share files. Give students the tools to build portfolios that cross academic years and curricular disciplines. Support teacher professional development. Communicate with parents. Build […]

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Futurelab – Research – Publications – opening education

Futurelab – Research – Publications – opening education: This series of publications aims to open up areas for debate – to provoke and stimulate new visions for education – as well as literally ‘opening up’ education, not only bringing together ideas from educational practice and research but also drawing on the fields of creative arts, […]

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Fortnightly Mailing: Personal Learning Environments make a step forward. Guest Contribution from Mark van Harmelen.

Fortnightly Mailing: Personal Learning Environments make a step forward. Guest Contribution from Mark van Harmelen.: The UK is increasingly focusing on the development of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) after a slow start that began with client systems such as Colloquia (2000) and the Manchester PLE/VLE Framework (2004). This week saw a two-day meeting (on 6 […]

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NECC 2006 Attendees | Program – Webcasting

NECC 2006 Attendees | Program – Webcasting: We are pleased to announce that several of this year’s Keynote, Spotlight, and Concurrent Sessions will be archived for video-on-demand viewing through a partnership with KZO Webcasting. In addition, we’re providing a number of live interviews with Ed Tech leaders that will also be archived for video-on-demand. ———- […]

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nyt: chinese and american learning of math and science or… how how policy documents legitimize regimes to the NYT articles and letters above…. I respond thusly: I tend to agree more with the Letters, than with the nyt article and even less so with the report. I think we have to be very careful about accounting for the cultural institutionalization of learning in China and the U.S. We […]

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A Wikipedia Warning [2]

A Wikipedia Warning [2]: In May Katherine Tredwell, a professor at the University of Oklahoma, nabbed 16 students who plagiarized sections of their final papers for a history of science course. Nine of those students, the professor found, had copied entries on Wikipedia virtually verbatim. Since then, Ms. Tredwell has made it her mission to […]

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